implicit declaration of function——函数隐式声明警告
原因: 1、该函数未被声明,但却被调用了,此时gcc会报这样的警告信息。 2、(网友总结)该函数所在源文件没有被编译为.o二进制文件。
解决办法: 1、在调用之前先声明这个函数,一般使用extern关键字(该关键字非必需) 声明函数可以不加extern,函数默认extern;声明变量必须要加extern。 2、将该函数声明在头文件中,然后在要调用的文件中包含该头文件 3、在c99、c11标准中,这被当做错误处理,而不是仅仅是警告。
从现代C语言的角度来说,任何标识符(除了goto的label以及main()的main)在使用之前都一定要声明,函数也是如此。 理论上这是必须的,但某些编译器为了迁就以前代码的一些写法放松了这个要求。所以还是应该写,尽管看起来貌似不是必须的。
Implicit function declarations in C. It should be considered an error. But C is an ancient language, so it’s only a warning. Compiling with -Werror (gcc) fixes this problem. When C doesn’t find a declaration, it assumes this implicit declaration: int f();, which means the function can receive whatever you give it, and returns an integer. If this happens to be close enough (and in case of printf, it is), then things can work. In some cases (e.g. the function actually returns a pointer, and pointers are larger than ints), it may cause real trouble. Note that this was fixed in newer C standards (C99, C11). In these standards, this is an error. However, gcc doesn’t implement these standards by default, so you still get the warning.
GCC只是默认还允许implicit function declaration功能而已,较新的C规范(C99、C11)是不允许不声明直接用的。