使用 golang 实现网络抓包是非常容易的,可以使用谷歌的包 github.com/google/gopacket。由于 gopacket 构建在 libpcap 之上,我强烈建议您了解该库的工作原理。您可以在 C 中学习如何使用 libpcap 进行更深入的了解。 1.libpcap
gopacket 是基于 libpcap(数据包捕获函数库)的,该库提供的 C 函数接口用于捕捉经过指定网络接口的数据包,该接口应该是被设为混杂模式。著名的软件 TCPDUMP 就是在 Libpcap 的基础上开发而成的。Libpcap 提供的接口函数实现和封装了与数据包截获有关的过程。Libpcap 可以在绝大多数 Linux 平台上运行。 主要有以下功能:
- 数据包捕获:捕获流经网卡的原始数据包
- 自定义数据包发送:构造任何格式的原始数据包
- 流量采集与统计:采集网络中的流量信息
- 规则过滤:提供自带规则过滤功能,按需要选择过滤规则
- 先决条件
# Get the gopacket package from GitHub
go get github.com/google/gopacket
# Pcap dev headers might be necessary
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
- 获取所有的网络设备信息
package main
import (
func main() {
// Find all devices
devices, err := pcap.FindAllDevs()
if err != nil {
// Print device information
fmt.Println("Devices found:")
for _, d := range devices {
fmt.Println("\nName: ", d.Name)
fmt.Println("Description: ", d.Description)
fmt.Println("Devices addresses: ", d.Addresses)
for _, address := range d.Addresses {
fmt.Println("- IP address: ", address.IP)
fmt.Println("- Subnet mask: ", address.Netmask)
- 打开设备实时捕捉
package main
import (
var (
device string = "你的网卡名称,可以通过上面3获取所有设备获取到(Name)"
snapshot_len int32 = 1024
promiscuous bool = false
err error
timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
handle pcap.Handle
func main() {
// Open device
handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(device, snapshot_len, promiscuous, timeout)
if err != nil {
defer handle.Close()
// Use the handle as a packet source to process all packets
packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
// Process packet here
- 抓取结果保存为 pcap 格式文件
package main
import (
var (
//deviceName string = "eth0"
deviceName string = "\\Device\\NPF_{9A3E6D9C-B24F-4CD0-9C4A-E7ACF6F09ABF}"
snapshotLen int32 = 1024
promiscuous bool = false
err error
timeout time.Duration = 1 * time.Second
handle pcap.Handle
packetCount int = 0
func main() {
// Open output pcap file and write header
f, _ := os.Create("test.pcap")
w := pcapgo.NewWriter(f)
w.WriteFileHeader(uint32(snapshotLen), layers.LinkTypeEthernet)
defer f.Close()
// Open the device for capturing
handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(deviceName, snapshotLen, promiscuous, timeout)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error opening device %s: %v", deviceName, err)
defer handle.Close()
// Start processing packets
packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
// Process packet here
w.WritePacket(packet.Metadata().CaptureInfo, packet.Data())
// Only capture 100 and then stop
if packetCount > 100 {
- 读取 pcap 格式文件来查看分析网络数据包
package main
import (
var (
pcapFile string = "test.pcap"
handle *pcap.Handle
err error
func main() {
// Open file instead of device
handle, err = pcap.OpenOffline(pcapFile)
if err != nil {
defer handle.Close()
// Loop through packets in file
packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
- 设置过滤器
只抓取 tcp 协议 80 端口的数据 filter 没看懂是怎么写的
package main
import (
var (
//device string = "eth0"
device string = "\\Device\\NPF_{9A3E6D9C-B24F-4CD0-9C4A-E7ACF6F09ABF}"
snapshot_len int32 = 1024
promiscuous bool = false
err error
timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
handle pcap.Handle
func main() {
// Open device
handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(device, snapshot_len, promiscuous, timeout)
if err != nil {
defer handle.Close()
// Set filter
var filter string = "tcp and port 80"
err = handle.SetBPFFilter(filter)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Only capturing TCP port 80 packets.")
packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
// Do something with a packet here.
- 解码抓取的数据
我们可以使用原始数据包,并且可将其转换为已知格式。它与不同的层兼容,所以我们可以轻松访问以太网,IP 和 TCP 层。layers 包是 Go 库中新增的,在底层 pcap 库中不可用。这是一个令人难以置信的有用的包,它是 gopacket 库的一部分。它允许我们容易地识别包是否包含特定类型的层。该代码示例将显示如何使用 layers 包来查看数据包是以太网,IP 和 TCP,并轻松访问这些头文件中的元素。 查找有效载荷取决于所涉及的所有层。每个协议是不同的,必须相应地计算。这就是 layer 包的魅力所在。 gopacket 的作者花了时间为诸如以太网,IP,UDP 和 TCP 等众多已知层创建了相应类型。有效载荷是应用层的一部分。
package main
import (
var (
//device string = "eth0"
device string = "\\Device\\NPF_{9A3E6D9C-B24F-4CD0-9C4A-E7ACF6F09ABF}"
snapshotLen int32 = 1024
promiscuous bool = false
err error
timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
handle pcap.Handle
func main() {
// Open device
handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(device, snapshotLen, promiscuous, timeout)
if err != nil {
defer handle.Close()
packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
func printPacketInfo(packet gopacket.Packet) {
// Let’s see if the packet is an ethernet packet
ethernetLayer := packet.Layer(layers.LayerTypeEthernet)
if ethernetLayer != nil {
fmt.Println("Ethernet layer detected.")
ethernetPacket, _ := ethernetLayer.(*layers.Ethernet)
fmt.Println("Source MAC: ", ethernetPacket.SrcMAC)
fmt.Println("Destination MAC: ", ethernetPacket.DstMAC)
// Ethernet type is typically IPv4 but could be ARP or other
fmt.Println("Ethernet type: ", ethernetPacket.EthernetType)
// Let’s see if the packet is IP (even though the ether type told us)
ipLayer := packet.Layer(layers.LayerTypeIPv4)
if ipLayer != nil {
fmt.Println("IPv4 layer detected.")
ip, _ := ipLayer.(*layers.IPv4)
// IP layer variables:
// Version (Either 4 or 6)
// IHL (IP Header Length in 32-bit words)
// TOS, Length, Id, Flags, FragOffset, TTL, Protocol (TCP?),
// Checksum, SrcIP, DstIP
fmt.Printf("From %s to %s\n", ip.SrcIP, ip.DstIP)
fmt.Println("Protocol: ", ip.Protocol)
// Let’s see if the packet is TCP
tcpLayer := packet.Layer(layers.LayerTypeTCP)
if tcpLayer != nil {
fmt.Println("TCP layer detected.")
tcp, _ := tcpLayer.(*layers.TCP)
// TCP layer variables:
// SrcPort, DstPort, Seq, Ack, DataOffset, Window, Checksum, Urgent
// Bool flags: FIN, SYN, RST, PSH, ACK, URG, ECE, CWR, NS
fmt.Printf("From port %d to %d\n", tcp.SrcPort, tcp.DstPort)
fmt.Println("Sequence number: ", tcp.Seq)
// Iterate over all layers, printing out each layer type
fmt.Println("All packet layers:")
for _, layer := range packet.Layers() {
fmt.Println("- ", layer.LayerType())
// When iterating through packet.Layers() above,
// if it lists Payload layer then that is the same as
// this applicationLayer. applicationLayer contains the payload
applicationLayer := packet.ApplicationLayer()
if applicationLayer != nil {
fmt.Println("Application layer/Payload found.")
fmt.Printf("%s\n", applicationLayer.Payload())
// Search for a string inside the payload
if strings.Contains(string(applicationLayer.Payload()), "HTTP") {
fmt.Println("HTTP found!")
// Check for errors
if err := packet.ErrorLayer(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error decoding some part of the packet:", err)
- 构造发送数据包
这个例子做了几件事情。首先将显示如何使用网络设备发送原始字节。这样就可以像串行连接一样使用它来发送数据。这对于真正的低层数据传输非常有用,但如果您想与应用程序进行交互,您应该构建可以识别该数据包的其他硬件和软件。接下来,它将显示如何使用以太网,IP 和 TCP 层创建一个数据包。一切都是默认空的。要完成它,我们创建另一个数据包,但实际上填写了以太网层的一些 MAC 地址,IPv4 的一些 IP 地址和 TCP 层的端口号。你应该看到如何伪装数据包和仿冒网络设备。TCP 层结构体具有可读取和可设置的 SYN,FIN,ACK 标志。这有助于操纵和模糊 TCP 三次握手,会话和端口扫描。pcap 库提供了一种发送字节的简单方法,但 gopacket 中的图层可帮助我们为多层创建字节结构。
package main
import (
var (
//device string = "eth0"
device string = "\\Device\\NPF_{9A3E6D9C-B24F-4CD0-9C4A-E7ACF6F09ABF}"
snapshot_len int32 = 1024
promiscuous bool = false
err error
timeout time.Duration = 30 * time.Second
handle pcap.Handle
buffer gopacket.SerializeBuffer
options gopacket.SerializeOptions
func main() {
// Open device
handle, err := pcap.OpenLive(device, snapshot_len, promiscuous, timeout)
if err != nil {
defer handle.Close()
// Send raw bytes over wire
rawBytes := []byte{10, 20, 30}
err = handle.WritePacketData(rawBytes)
if err != nil {
// Create a properly formed packet, just with
// empty details. Should fill out MAC addresses,
// IP addresses, etc.
buffer = gopacket.NewSerializeBuffer()
gopacket.SerializeLayers(buffer, options,
outgoingPacket := buffer.Bytes()
// Send our packet
err = handle.WritePacketData(outgoingPacket)
if err != nil {
// This time lets fill out some information
ipLayer := &layers.IPv4{
SrcIP: net.IP{127, 0, 0, 1},
DstIP: net.IP{8, 8, 8, 8},
ethernetLayer := &layers.Ethernet{
SrcMAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xFF, 0xAA, 0xFA, 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xAA},
DstMAC: net.HardwareAddr{0xBD, 0xBD, 0xBD, 0xBD, 0xBD, 0xBD},
tcpLayer := &layers.TCP{
SrcPort: layers.TCPPort(4321),
DstPort: layers.TCPPort(80),
// And create the packet with the layers
buffer = gopacket.NewSerializeBuffer()
gopacket.SerializeLayers(buffer, options,
outgoingPacket = buffer.Bytes()